Jan 1, 2024
A mobile app you can modify right on your mobile device.

I think I have a usable app development experience now on my tablet. I basically took my recent Lua Carousel and made a few changes. In Carousel you start in the programming environment, each screen runs a separate script, scripts run in the background of the editor, and each screen manages its own canvas. The new setup starts in the app, which takes over the entire device until I 'exit' into the programming environment. In the programming environment, screens are now just editors with a shared 'run' button and canvas. Hopefully I can now finish polishing this turd app entirely on the tablet.

As with anything mobile, there are caveats:

  • Not very usable on a tiny phone screen. Tablet works better.
  • I'm always scared of losing my code changes. If I upgrade LÖVE, poof. No other app can access them, so I currently back them up laboriously using copy-paste.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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