Nov 11, 2023
Making space for debug infrastructure on the work surface. 
Screenshot of the work surface shown by for live-editing Freewheeling Apps. It's very zoomed out to take in the big picture. You'll usually work much more zoomed-in so you can read your work.

<a href=''>This is, the live-editing environment I've been using lately.</a>

There's a menu up top showing available hotkeys, that can also expand to show a command palette.

There's latitude/longitude tick marks all along the border.

The picture is annotated with some default conventions for organizing the surface. Along the top is an area for data structures. Freewheeling docs to consult go on the left, freewheeling infrastructure you might want to tweak go on the right. In the middle is the area where I tend to spend most of my time.

More on my Freewheeling Apps.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

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