Dec 17, 2021
A simple terminal app for composing multiple toots at once

  • Paste in a small amount of ASCII text from the clipboard (no scrolling)
  • Edit it at will (insert, arrow keys, backspace)
  • Always show the character count
  • Anywhere the text contains some delimiter, treat it as a chunk boundary, show character count for the previous chunk.

Amazing how difficult this is to get right.

I've built multiple text editors but still can't figure this out. Data structure this time: just a raw string.

I figured out the problem! I didn't have tests in Teliva! Now I do.

It turns out my brain only works when embedded in an exo-brain of tests.

Screenshot of teliva showing a single function being edited along with some tests for it.

This post is part of my Freewheeling Apps Devlog.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please send them to me by any method of your choice and I'll include them here.

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