Aug 5, 2007
The reason to turn off the porn might become, to thoughtful people, not a moral one but a physical- and emotional-health one. Greater supply of the stimulant equals diminished capacity. You might want to rethink your constant access to porn in the same way that, if you want to be an athlete, you rethink your smoking.


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Aug 5, 2007
The greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings.


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Aug 4, 2007
The worst code is not necessarily buggy code, but code that is unnecessarily complex. Detecting that would be an interesting new direction for program analysis.


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Aug 3, 2007
Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates: a novel (1865) about a Dutch boy that saved his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike

Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates: a novel (1865) about a Dutch boy that saved his country by putting his finger in a leaking dike


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Aug 3, 2007
Once your site does attract fourteen year olds, you can never, ever get rid of them.


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Aug 2, 2007
In an already imprecise field, Dr. Michael West has taken forensic odontology to bizarre, megalomaniacal depths. West claims to have invented a system he modestly calls “The West Phenomenon. In it, he dons a pair of yellow goggles and with the aid of a blue laser, he says he can identify bite marks, scratches, and other marks on a corpse that no one else can seeā€”not even other forensics experts.

Conveniently, he claims his unique method can’t be photographed or reproduced, which he says makes his opinions unimpeachable by other experts.

In one case he claimed to have positively traced a half-eaten bologna sandwich at the murder scene to the defendant’s teeth based on bite marks in the sandwich. The defendant was convicted, but the case was later tossed out when West admitted to disposing of the sandwich after studying it. Because no one can replicate his methods, West said, the sandwich was no longer necessary.


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Aug 2, 2007
Using MVC to render information about a person to the screen, we’d create a number of templates that we’d use throughout the application. We would probably create a template for rendering the data, a template for rendering the form, and perhaps a template for rendering a table of people. This wouldn’t be too difficult except we have to do this again and again for every new data structure we come up with. We end up generating nearly the same HTML manually - all that’s changing is a list of fields. Weblocks automates this work.


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Aug 1, 2007
People with more education appear to be on Facebook while those in the margins of nearly every aspect of our culture can be found on MySpace.


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Aug 1, 2007
All zoogles are boogles. You saw a boogle. Is it a zoogle? Adolescents who make a mistake answering this kind of question on their SAT may not make it to college. But those who get very high scores can still feel a chill of fear when someone from the wrong side of town steps into the elevator.

Many people confuse the statement “almost all terrorists are Moslems” with “almost all Moslems are terrorists”. Such confusion partakes of a trivial, very trivial, logical error. Not even professors are particularly immune to such errors. Complicated equations do not tend to cohabit happily with clarity of mind.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb doesn’t think critical thinking is just about practice.


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Aug 1, 2007
The really painful thing to recall is not just that I accumulated all this useless stuff, but that I often spent money I desperately needed on stuff that I didn’t. Why would I do that? Because the people whose job is to sell you stuff are really, really good at it.


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