Jun 26, 2008
Our imagination fails us in three ways. It lacks detail, it tends to extrapolate from the present, and it over-estimates how bad bad things will feel once they have happened.

Use other people’s experiences to predict the future, instead of imagining it.


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Jun 24, 2008


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Jun 22, 2008
wordle view of this tumblelog. Inspirations: Udi Falkson, Gojko Adzic

wordle view of this tumblelog. Inspirations: Udi Falkson, Gojko Adzic


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Jun 22, 2008
It now costs more to park a car at one airport than to rent one at the other end. Machines are now reproducing so fast that they are cheaper than the empty space they fill.


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Jun 22, 2008
While LA-602pdf was written by people curiously investigating whether a hydrogen bomb could ignite the atmosphere, the RHIC Reviewpdf (about whether the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider might create micro black holes) is a work of public relations.

No one can do serious analysis of existential risks anymore, because just by asking the question, you’re threatening the funding of your whole field. The only way to get a rational assessment of existential risks in our modern environment: the whole project is classified, the paper is written for scientists without translation, and the public won’t get to see the report for another fifty years.


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Jun 22, 2008
If I can’t write a simple, short docstring describing what a piece of code will do, it’s almost always a bad idea to try to write it without first putting some more thought into the design.
James Bennett could be talking about unit tests


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Jun 19, 2008
*jour: bonjourinfo and twitterinfo come together to build a mesh networkinfo for the first world


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Jun 19, 2008


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Jun 19, 2008
You can teach any girl technical literacy just by putting her in a good school with no boys. Just get little girls pair-programming with each other from an early age.


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Jun 17, 2008
Well, not really, since you have to write unit tests for static languages too.
Steve Yegge was way ahead of me


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