Jun 21, 2007
The barbarian is typically in the thrall of shibboleths ancient as the hills and seeks only to bring his interlocutor into the same bondage. Barbarians are machine guns of propaganda. They are not gentle. They know not conversation. They are, sad to say, taking over the world.
Robert Gary’s barbarians are different from those of Paul Colinvaux. via


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Jun 21, 2007
..seventy five percent of all SIDS cases are actually homicides.
more support for the evolutionary importance of infanticide as a tool to help modulate #children


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Jun 21, 2007
Secondary stock markets are zero-sum. They don’t produce anything, just set prices. I think it’s really sad that so many of the best and brightest minds are drawn into competing with each other instead of creating value for others.

Some sort of stock market, with decent liquidity and abundant information, is necessary for proper functioning of the economy. But the stock market we have, where hedge funds colocate boxes on the exchange so that they can execute trades within milliseconds of new information coming in, is overkill.


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Jun 21, 2007
For God’s sake, stop suing your customers.
Marc Andreessen’s guide to turning around big companies


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Jun 20, 2007
If you are a busy startup founder and don’t have much time to read, you should probably read Marc’s stuff instead of mine.


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Jun 20, 2007
When I’m ‘on,’ that’s the time to put TextMate front and centre. When I’m ‘off,’ I try not to force it too much, there are plenty of things to do that can be done in short dribs and drabs.


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Jun 19, 2007
The path of love is never smooth
But mine’s continuous for you
You’re the upper bound in the chains of my heart
You’re my Axiom of Choice, you know it’s true
The Klein Four Group, “Finite Simple Group (of order two).” via


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Jun 19, 2007
I’ve heard that 2.5% or so [equity] is typical for the first employee, and it decreases exponentially from there.


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Jun 19, 2007
I’d find an extra 1-2% state income tax a pretty small price to pay to give up commuting..


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Jun 19, 2007
Process turns out to be a pretty good substitute for competence. With enough steps, documents, design reviews, and test plans, the proverbial 1,000 monkeys with typewriters really could produce a functional IT system.


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