“You look at assets and liability to judge the strength of established companies, but when you have a startup, you look at cash flow. Low-income families are the same way. When we talk about poor people living on a dollar a day, you don't get a dollar every day. It is a lump sum, and it is very irregular. The poorest households can recall their cash flows a month ago.”
— Cecil Adams
Bruce Kasanoff thinks personalization could save newspapers, and here's how: Generate custom front pages for each user. Avoid echo chamberi effects by providing alternate views. To make money, don't advertise. Instead, generate targeted leads for the most influential of your readers. Above all, focus on making your readers smarter. Remember information for them, not just about them.
Personalization holds promise for newspapers, and also feedreaders, online aggregators, and social news sites. Get it right and you can win the attention of lots of readers. It's a traumatic change for newspapers to attempt, though. People change; tuning for individual users implies adaptation and learning. Newspapers would require ongoing manual attention, expensive and culture-altering manual attention. Attention to take away from journalism and content-generation.
There may be an alternative. Personalization is important if you face customers, but perhaps newspapers needn't face customers. The alternative is a division of labor (and revenues) between writers and publishers. Let newspapers focus on original research and writing, and take a share of ad revenues from the aggregators that send them traffic. comments
Clay Shirky: Society doesn’t need newspapers. What we need is journalism. And journalism has always been subsidized.
Jack Shafer: What's gotten many newspapers in trouble today is poorly timed acquisitions. At the height of the bubble, no price was too high if a newspaper claimed to be the dominant daily in a market. Newspaper owners who overburdened themselves with debt are more vulnerable than the medium itself. Most struggling newspapers will survive at lower but handsome profit margins.
Here are three books with the same fundamental substance: Vedanta, 7 habits, Flow. But there's huge variation in the form. Vedanta, written in antiquity, states the truth baldly in dictums. 7 habits, from the late 80s, avoids putting the reader off by phrasing its dictums as choices. Flow synthesizes cognitive research to describe how the changes we make within ourselves lead to external improvements. That's an appealing formulation to me after 20 years of the self-help cliches spawned by 7 habits.
These books exemplify a trend: knowledge gets progressively more accessible, not just by ubiquity but by the form in which it's consumed. When knowledge was scarce readers were supplicants, happy to take it in any form. Now it is abundant, writing is a buyer's market with greater emphasis on form. The filters readers create—against the preachy, against cliches—coevolve with the gimmicks of sellers and the skill of writers.
Credit: conversations with dad
— Richard Weissbourd
— Nate Silver on the limitations of corporations
Rational people often feel ashamed of strong feelings. The best informal definition I've ever heard of rationality is "That which can be destroyed by the truth should be." We should aspire to feel the emotions that fit the facts, not aspire to feel no emotion.
Carl Schulman: When we rate individuals highly the affect heuristic comes into play. Students can revere teachers simply because they only interact with the latter in domains where they know less.
A well-written piece that purports to summarize a field can leave you ignorant of your ignorance. Especially if it doesn't cite its sources. Without reading major alternative views you will tend to overrate whoever you came across first.
Eliezer Yudkowsky: In this world there are people who have created awesome things and it is okay to admire them highly.
—Giles Bowkett
— William Zinsser
Thanks for the very interesting post. I totally agree with you that the future of newspapers is in creating a more personalized approach for each reader. In this rapidly growing information age, media providers of all sizes need to adapt their approach to the specific needs of each reader.
Moreover, major newspapers need to be held more accountable for the quality and accuracy of the news they produce. We at NewsCred are trying to deal with this aspect in particular and are seeking to engage more users in the debate on media credibility. Our ultimate goal is to become the online reference point for trustworthy news articles, authors and sources. I realize that we have grand objectives but we whole-heartedly believe in the importance of a free, transparent and accountable press and we must start somewhere!
One thing is for certain. We are experiencing a massive shift in the way news information is produced and consumed. It's high-time for the major newspapers to accept this transition and to work with it before they contribute to their own demise...
Thanks again for the interesting post! Alex
Community and Marketing Manager