Feb 12, 2022
It just occurred to me that I can smush the dependencies of two packages together to visualize them at the same time. Here's libcairo2-dev and libsdl2-dev at once.


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Feb 10, 2022
A little Zettelkasten app on Teliva

https://archive.org/details/akkartik-teliva-2022-02-10 (4 minutes)

Showing off:

  • Protections against malicious apps.
  • Incrementally learning about app internals.
  • How avoiding abstractions can make an app easier to secure. Audit a single function, safely ignore its function calls.
  • Running on OpenBSD thanks to https://tilde.institute

Main project page: https://github.com/akkartik/teliva

Open invitation: I'd be happy to tailor a private copy for your individual needs.

Starting to use my Zettelkasten app for reals

In this clip:

  • Growing cards for more details and shrinking them down to outline view (no collapsing subtrees, though)
  • Structured navigation to children/parents/siblings.


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Feb 6, 2022
Why everyone needs to know some coding: last-mile sandboxing

My talk at FOSDEM this morning: https://archive.org/details/akkartik-2022-01-16-fosdem

Apologies for the low volume of the recording :/ This copy seems slightly louder to me than the version on the official page. However the official page includes (high-quality and audible) Q&A at the end.


Main project page: https://github.com/akkartik/teliva

Many thanks to all the organizers of FOSDEM '22!


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Feb 5, 2022
This comment 😂❤️


"Third, FOSS has become a religion for many. All things must be FOSS because it’s a holy conquest, and if just everything were FOSS all would be perfection because reasons."

If FOSS were actually a religion, the holy conquest you describe would be the most adorable and least bloody holy conquest in the history civilization.

If FOSS were actually a religion, then what is stopping you from joining the least bloody and most adorable religion in the history of civilization?


Join us.

(Patches accepted.)


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Feb 4, 2022

https://github.com/drcode/zek is a neat program <3 and its demo at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W_m176PIdU is inspiring me.. to build my own version 🤦

I think people have lost sight of the essence of Zettelkasten.

  • never having to name notes
  • extremely fine-grained addressing
  • lots of nudges to create cross-links

The tension: links tend to require names.

Any interest in collaborating on or use-testing something malleable but text-only in Teliva?


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Feb 3, 2022
New data on an old, boring subject from someone without an axe to grind

I just tracked down my umpteenth memory corruption bug in Teliva: https://github.com/antirez/kilo/pull/81

I'm pretty sure this was the one that got me to lose data on several days of Advent of Code 2021.

The number of such bugs found in this tiny codebase (https://github.com/antirez/kilo/search?q=memory is not comprehensive) is a huge case against C. I'm not out of practice, I'm just only able to manage memory reliably in C++, for all that I dislike it.


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Feb 1, 2022
There's been some bug going around. I spent the last few days thinking Teliva sucked. This morning I think it's cool again.


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Jan 29, 2022
I'm giving a talk at FOSDEM next week: https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/event/lastmilesandboxing

There's Q&A and IM chat after.

I hope you will add it to your calendar! (The times given are in UTC+1. It's 8:40am in PST.)


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Jan 29, 2022
#$@$, this list of terminal escape sequences is terrifying.


Luckily the one to read clipboard is disabled by default: https://terminalguide.namepad.de/seq/osc-52

If enabled, any terminal program can read your clipboard just by printing a few characters to stdout. https://github.com/akkartik/teliva has no hope of sandboxing that.

Hopefully there isn't any worse crap lurking in this list. No "this escape sequence runs the command you provide". That I can spot, at least..


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Jan 27, 2022
The opposite of Literate Programming

Instead of a linear tour through every last detail in just the right order, a frontpage for any app with a quick orientation of the global structure (like a Readme with crappy typography but consistent navigation compared to the usual development environment), after which the reader is free to jump non-linearly anywhere they like.

Main project page: https://github.com/akkartik/teliva

Just a screen with text. Function names are in Wikiword syntax and highlighted. What I wish someone had told me when reading my first Lisp interpreter.


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